
Thursday 14 May 2015

My Encounter with a Mosquito

It was in one of those nights in May at a little past midnight when i was awoken by the buzz of a rather persistent and rude mosquito.I have had a busy day and really needed a good nights sleep.
I was drenched in my own sweat as their was no electricity (as you would expect in Nigeria)
         First thing that came to my mind was how the mosquito managed to enter into the fortress provided by my mosquito net.It was either my net is torn somewhere or this mosquito has sneaked into the net while i was setting it earlier and i failed to notice
      I looked up to the mosquito and pleaded ''please let me sleep,i just want to rest and i need to wake up early tomorrow. The mosquito looked at me the way a Jew would look at the picture of Hitler and said ''so now you have the guts to beg huh,after you tried to kill us all .Few hours ago you sprayed Rambo insecticide with the aim of annihilating me and my family and other members of my species .Only me and my wife are alive now.
   ''Let me tell you something'' the mosquito continued '' i don't know what you think but i am not here to bite you (though i cant say the same for my wife)you should be thankful all i can do is buzz and buzz in your ears. I don't even know why you humans harbour a grudge against us Mosquitoes,when  all do is suck a little blood out of your massive five Litres and if you are lucky you get malaria or filariasis
               ''You see i don't understand why you people can be so wicked ,always clearing bushes or using insecticides, thank God for our genetic prestige,we can easily develop resistance ,if not we would have been extinct by now''
  '' I forgot to mention that you guys are selfish also .This is our season ,why cant you just let us bite you and sing in your ears for  a few months?You should be happy we don't charge you for the music.Also some people are persistent enough to use insecticide treated nets ,now that is absolute wickedness because those nets totally prevent us access to delicious blood meals except in fortunate circumstances like this one where we find a way to breach the net's perimeter
''  Mr Mosquito ,i assure you, humans have no particular grudge against  the Culicidae and we are just looking out for ourselves and please don't let me pay for the crimes of humanity i beg you to please let me sleep today, and tomorrow you can bring your wife for the bite as today i am extremely sleepy ''i pleaded in a placating voice
             I will give you the grace of today and it is because i have seen you are not like other humans that are prejudiced against mosquitoes i will take my leave now'' he said
            They flew out of my net through a hole i was unaware of.The next day
i had the net repaired and sprayed a lot of insecticide.A lot

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