
Sunday 25 December 2022

10 myths about Christmas

Christmas is a time of celebration and tradition for many people around the world, but there are also many myths and misconceptions about this holiday. Here are 10 myths about Christmas that are commonly believed, but are actually not true:

1. The date of December 25th was chosen to coincide with the winter solstice: Many people believe that the date of December 25th was chosen because it coincides with the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year. However, this is not the case. December 25th was actually chosen to coincide with the celebration of the birth of Jesus, which was believed to have occurred in the fall.

2. The first Christmas was celebrated in the year 0: Despite what many people believe, there is no year 0 in the modern calendar. The first Christmas was actually celebrated in the year 1 AD, not 0 AD.

3. The three wise men brought gold, frankincense, and myrrh to the baby Jesus: The story of the three wise men bringing gifts to the baby Jesus is a popular one, but it is not actually mentioned in the Bible. The gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh are mentioned in the Bible, but it is not clear who brought them or when they were given.

4. Santa Claus is based on the real-life St. Nicholas: The figure of Santa Claus is based on the real-life St. Nicholas, a bishop from the 4th century who was known for his generosity and kindness. However, the modern-day image of Santa Claus as a jolly, red-suited man with a white beard is a fictional creation that has evolved over time.

5. The Christmas tree is a Christian tradition: The Christmas tree is a popular holiday tradition, but it is not a Christian tradition. The tradition of decorating trees at Christmas actually originated in Germany in the 16th century and was initially seen as a pagan tradition.

6. Christmas is a time of peace and goodwill towards all: While Christmas is often associated with feelings of peace and goodwill, the holiday has not always been a peaceful time. Throughout history, there have been many wars and conflicts that have taken place during the Christmas season.

7.The North Pole is the coldest place on earth: While the North Pole is certainly a very cold place, it is not the coldest place on earth. In fact, parts of Antarctica, which is further south, are colder than the North Pole.

8.Christmas is a holiday celebrated only in the Western world: While Christmas is a popular holiday in the Western world, it is also celebrated in many other countries around the world, including parts of Asia, Africa, and Latin America.

9.The phrase "Merry Christmas" is of Christian origin: The phrase "Merry Christmas" is often associated with the holiday of Christmas, but it is actually derived from the Old English phrase "merry Cristes mæsse," which means "happy Mass of Christ."

10.Christmas is the only holiday that is celebrated on December 25th: While December 25th is a popular day for holiday celebrations, it is not the only holiday that is celebrated on this day. For example, Hanukkah, which is a Jewish holiday, is also celebrated in December.

By understanding the facts about Christmas, we can better appreciate and understand this holiday and the traditions that surround it.

10 mistakes you make on your CV

Your CV is often the first point of contact with a potential employer, so it's important to make sure it's as strong and effective as possible. Unfortunately, many people make mistakes on their CVs that can hurt their chances of getting hired. Here are 10 common mistakes people make on their CVs, and how to avoid them:

1.Poor formatting: A poorly formatted CV can be difficult to read and may turn off potential employers. Make sure your CV is well-organized, easy to read, and visually appealing. Use clear headings, bullet points, and plenty of white space to make your CV easy to scan.

2. Lack of focus: A CV that lacks focus and direction can be confusing and may not effectively convey your strengths and qualifications. Make sure your CV is clear and concise, and focuses on the most relevant information for the job you are applying for. Don't include unnecessary details or unrelated information.

3. Inconsistencies: Inconsistencies in your CV, such as discrepancies in dates or job titles, can raise red flags for potential employers. Be sure to double-check your CV for accuracy and consistency.

4. Lack of action verbs: Action verbs, such as "managed," "developed," or "implemented," help to convey your responsibilities and achievements in a more impactful way. Avoid using passive language or vague terms in your CV.

5. Too much or too little information: Including too much or too little information in your CV can be a mistake. Be sure to include enough information to showcase your skills and experience, but avoid including irrelevant or unnecessary details.

6.Spelling and grammar errors: Spelling and grammar errors can be a major turnoff for potential employers, as they can suggest a lack of attention to detail or carelessness. Be sure to carefully proofread your CV before sending it.

7.Lack of customization: A generic, one-size-fits-all CV may not effectively convey your skills and qualifications to potential employers. Make sure to customize your CV for each job you apply for, highlighting the skills and experience that are most relevant to the position.

8.Omitting important information: Failing to include important information, such as your contact information or job titles, can make it difficult for potential employers to get in touch with you or accurately assess your qualifications.

9.Inappropriate email address: A professional email address is important in creating a good first impression with potential employers. Avoid using unprofessional or inappropriate email addresses on your CV.

10.Lack of accomplishment statements: Accomplishment statements, which describe your achievements and the impact you had in your previous roles, can help to make your CV more compelling and demonstrate your value to potential employers. Be sure to include accomplishment statements in your CV to showcase your skills and experience.

By avoiding these common mistakes on your CV, you can increase your chances of getting hired and make a strong first impression with potential employers. Make sure to take the time to carefully proofread and customize your CV to showcase your skills and experience in the best light.