
Saturday 28 January 2017

Brief history of Imam Abu Hanifa -The Great Imam

Role Model !

Abu Hanifa- Nu'man bn Thabit  was born in kufa, iraq during the reign of the powerful ummayad caliphabdulmailk ibn marwan. Acclaimed as Al-Imam al-A'zam, or Al-A'dham (the Great Imam)
He has the status of a tabee' -only among the the 4 imams who founded the four schools of thought in fiqh
A lesson
In 763, al-Mansur, the Abbasid monarch offered Abu Hanifa the post of Chief Judge of the State, but he declined to accept the offer, choosing to remain independent. His student, Abu Yusuf, was appointed Qadi Al-Qadat (Chief Judge of the State) of al-Mansur regime instead of himself.
In his reply to al-Mansur, Abu Hanifa excused himself by saying that he did not regard himself fit for the post. Al-Mansur, who had his own ideas and reasons for offering the post, lost his temper and accused Abu Hanifa of lying.
"If I am lying," Abu Hanifa said, "then my statement is doubly correct. How can you appoint a liar to the exalted post of a Chief Qadi (Judge)?"
Incensed by this reply, the ruler had Abu Hanifa arrested and locked in prison and tortured.
Even there, the indomitable jurist continued to teach those who were permitted to come to him.
In 767, Abu Hanifa died in prison.

Career and learning
The great imam started as a businessman, dealing in silk- following the foot steps of his Father
He learned from a myriad number of scholars, who themselves learnt directly from the Sahaba, may Allah be pleased with them. He started from the scholars of kufa including imam sha'biy, Ibraheem Nakhaeey and Hammad. He travelled to Basra to drink from the fountain ⛲ of knowledge ,Al Hasanul Basri .He travelled to the great city of Makkah where he sat in the schools of Ataa' bn Rabaa and Ikrima Al Quraishi (who are renowned students of Abdullahi bn Abbas may Allah be pleased with him
He travelled to Madinah where he met and learned fromImam Malik ibn Anas and his teacher Salim bn Abdullah
He also met and was tutored by the great grand children of the Prophet SAW, Muhammad ibn Ali ibn Husayn Al baqir and his son Ja'far us Saadiq

Notable works
Kitabul aathar, Fiqhul Akbar Kitaabul Rad alal Qaadiriyah
Allahu Akbar. May Allah be pleased with him